Special K Cereal, Fruit & Yogurt 12.8 Oz

Naturally & artificially flavored. Crunchy rice and wheat flakes with oat and fruit clusters and yogurt-coated clusters. Per 3/4 cup serving: 120 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 140 mg sodium (6%); 10 g sugars. Good source of fiber & made with whole grain. Whole grain 10 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. Make Special K a part of your day! 9 am breakfast. Try sprinkling a handful of fresh berries over your favorite variety of Special K Cereal for a breakfast bursting with freshness and flavor. Cereal & milk. A serving of cereal with milk is a great way to get essential nutrients that are important for growing bodies. A full serving of milk (1 cup) brings a good source of protein to the table to help maintain muscle health. Visit LoveYourCereal.com for more details. Design your free personalized plan at specialk.com. Also find quick & easy meals you'll L-O-V-E! Please recycle. 100% recycled paperboard.