Kell Raisin Bran

Delicious raisins perfectly balanced with crisp, toasted bran flakes. No artificial colors or flavors. Per 1 Cup Serving: 190 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 200 mg sodium (9% DV); 18 g total sugars. Heart Healthy: While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat & cholesterol may reduce the risk of this disease. For a fell good start to your day! 50%+ Whole Grain: 27 g or more per serving. 50% or more of the whole grain is whole grain. Simple Inside: Excellent source of fiber. Made with real fruit. Two scoops! Rise eat. Fiber, like bran fiver, plays a very important part in you digestive health and overall well-being. Smile your way through the day! - Sunny. Make mornings amazing! Real fruit: The goodness of grapes in delicious raisins add sweetness and nutrition. Shine repeat. Our best in every bite. Made with sun-ripened raisins, North American grains. Kellogg's Open for Breakfast: What can we do to make your mornings better? Questions or comments? Visit call 1-800-962-1413. Provide production code on package. Nutrition label look different? Learn more at Kellogg’s Family Rewards: Collect points earn rewards learn more at BCTGM: Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers union made. AFL CIO CLC. Certified 100% recycled paperboard.